Things to Expect While Recovering from Hip Replacement Surgery


If you fractured your hip, you will probably require orthopedic surgery to repair it. You might likely already know what will happen during the procedure. For example, you were likely told that you will be required to fast starting at midnight the day before your surgery to minimize the risk of aspiration during the procedure. The surgery may take a few hours and you will be under general anesthesia during the procedure.

25 February 2020

3 Reasons For Corns And Calluses That Go Beyond Podiatry


Most instances of corns or calluses are caused by pressure and/or friction from wearing poorly-fitting shoes. When corns or calluses are caused by structural issues in the foot, typical removal techniques and a change in footwear may not be enough to address the issue. Surgical intervention may be necessary to correct the underlying problem and stop corns and calluses from returning. Bunions Constant pressure on the great toe or structural changes due to arthritis will eventually cause the toe to point inward.

9 October 2019

When Should You Request an MRI for Back Pain?


When it comes to assessing the internal parts of the body, there is no better tool than an MRI. An MRI or Magnetic Resonance Imaging scanner uses a very powerful magnet to produce 3D images of the body or whichever part of the body is afflicted. This helps medical experts to diagnose various conditions and decide on the best course of treatment.  When you experience back pain, having an MRI performed can help to get to the bottom of the problem.

28 June 2019

3 Helpful Tips For An Efficient Recovery After Your Shoulder Replacement


Whether you have suffered an injury or you have developed arthritis, a shoulder replacement surgery can be a great option for relieving pain and restoring the function of your shoulder joint. Your surgeon probably explained the surgery process, but you may not understand how your recovery will be. In most cases, you will need to stay in the hospital for a few days after the surgery. Once home, rest, pain management, and physical therapy will be your priorities to ensure an efficient and effective recovery.

4 September 2018

What Types Of Medical Specialist Can I See For A Musculoskeletal Injury?


If you have a broken bone or an ankle sprain, you might be wondering who you should see for care. There are a few different professionals who can play a role in healing these injuries.  Primary Care Doctor Your physician may be your first line of defense in diagnosing and treating a bone or muscle injury. They can help to judge the severity of the injury and recommend you to a specialist for x-rays if needed.

29 September 2016

Important Preparations That Will Make Recovering From Knee Replacement Surgery Much Easier


When facing knee replacement surgery there are a few important things you'll need to know. For starters, this type of major surgery requires a recovery time that can last several weeks. Fortunately, there are preparations you can make to help this time of transition go smoothly.  Choose Your Surgery Date Carefully Ask your orthopedic surgeon how long you can expect to stay in the hospital before being transferred to either a rehabilitation center or a nursing home.

19 April 2016

Physical Therapy: Helpful In Relieving Back Pain Caused From Overuse


About 80 percent of Americans will experience back pain at some point in their life. This annoying and often agonizing discomfort causes them to seek back pain relief from their primary care physician, a neurosurgeon or an orthopedic doctor. One of the most common causes of back pain is overuse. Causes of Back Pain from Overuse Back pain is often caused from over-doing a physical activity. You may lift an object improperly or one that is too heavy, or you may participate in the activity for an extended period and strain your muscles.

21 September 2015