What Types Of Medical Specialist Can I See For A Musculoskeletal Injury?


If you have a broken bone or an ankle sprain, you might be wondering who you should see for care. There are a few different professionals who can play a role in healing these injuries. 

Primary Care Doctor

Your physician may be your first line of defense in diagnosing and treating a bone or muscle injury. They can help to judge the severity of the injury and recommend you to a specialist for x-rays if needed. They will also give you some preventative care options, such as braces and wraps, to prevent further injury while you wait to see a specialist. 

Orthopedic Specialist

If needed, you may be referred next to an orthopedics specialist who can thoroughly evaluate your muscle or bone injury. They may do visual inspections as well as cat scans or x-rays to diagnose the problem. These doctors are specialists when it comes to complicated musculoskeletal injuries, so if you have an issue that is notoriously difficult to treat (such as a high ankle sprain), then you should see this specialist to develop a strong care plan. They may also recommend surgery for some musculoskeletal injuries that are likely to get worse on their own. 

Physical Therapist

A physical therapist is an excellent idea to support you through the healing process. Your doctor may recommend that you wait for injury to heal a bit before beginning rehabilitation with a physical therapist. Physical therapy focuses on exercises to strengthen the injured area and ensure that it makes a full recovery. You might do different stretching and strengthening exercises, use heat or cold therapies, or include massage treatments as part of your physical therapy rehabilitation. 


A musculoskeletal injury can affect the whole body and especially the spinal system. Visiting a chiropractor is a great idea as you begin to heal, because it will help to ensure that your injury doesn't take a toll on your overall health. For instance, an injury on one side of the body can create uneven muscle strength on one side and cause you to lean or overcompensate. This, in turn, can create stress on your muscles and spinal vertebrae, pushing them out of position. A chiropractor can adjust your spine to get it realigned, while giving you more exercises to do to improve your spinal alignment from home. By seeing each of these professionals, you can help to create a great plan for full rehabilitation.  


29 September 2016

Bones Leaving You in Pain? Find an Orthopedist Here

I'm not one to complain too much when my body hurts. But when I fractured my hip last year, I complained a whole lot. My broken hip kept me from being active in life. I felt completely helpless because I could no longer move freely or get around home without my family's assistance. After spending several months in pain, I saw an orthopedist for care. My orthopedist examined my fractured hip and found an infection in the joint. I underwent surgery to remove the damaged tissue and replace it with an artificial hip joint. Now, I feel so much better. My new hip gives me the freedom to move around again. If you have pain in one of your bones from injury or disease, read my blog. I show you how to find an orthopedist who can help you get back your life. Thanks for reading.