Physical Therapy: Helpful In Relieving Back Pain Caused From Overuse


About 80 percent of Americans will experience back pain at some point in their life. This annoying and often agonizing discomfort causes them to seek back pain relief from their primary care physician, a neurosurgeon or an orthopedic doctor. One of the most common causes of back pain is overuse.

Causes of Back Pain from Overuse

Back pain is often caused from over-doing a physical activity. You may lift an object improperly or one that is too heavy, or you may participate in the activity for an extended period and strain your muscles. The key to avoid pain in your back that results from overuse is to improve your posture, learn healthy ways to do physical activities and to develop a strong back, pelvic area and abdomen. Learn to pace yourself when participating in a physical activity. You can't expect to sit at a desk job for 40 hours a week, be a couch potato on the weeknights and then be able to work in your garden, build a new shed or participate in a sport for several hours on the weekend without feeling some aches and pains in your lower back.

The Goals of Physical Therapy

A physical therapist can teach you ways to protect your back when indulging in physical activities. The goals of PT are to minimize the pain, demonstrate ways to increase function and to teach you how to avoid future back injuries.

Why PT is Helpful

The therapist can teach you how to lift heavy objects, show you how to make good posture a habit and teach you how to strengthen the back, abdominal and pelvic areas.

Learning New Habits

The therapist will show you how to use the muscles in your knees and legs to lift an object, instead of relying on your back muscles or ending up with knee pain. He or she will demonstrate simple stretches that will help strengthen the back, abdominal and pelvic areas. The secret is to do these stretches every day and to do them slowly. Hold the stretches for about 20 to 30 seconds each. This gives the muscles and joints time to loosen up. The movements aren't intended to cause pain or to be done quickly. The physical therapist will watch your technique and give you helpful hints when you are doing the exercises incorrectly. This ensures that you get the most benefits from the exercises once you do them at home.

Low-impact aerobics are often recommended along with the stretches. These activities include walking, swimming or riding a bicycle. Other treatments recommended by the therapist may include ice or heat therapy or a TENS unit. Ultrasound therapy and a procedure called lontophoresis are other treatments that the therapist may deem necessary to resolve the issue.

Don't expect physical therapy to be a quick fix. Sometimes it takes a few weeks or even months to build strength in your back and abdominal area. If you continue your exercises and stick with your new healthy habits once the therapy is over, there is a good chance that you can avoid back problems in the future.


21 September 2015

Bones Leaving You in Pain? Find an Orthopedist Here

I'm not one to complain too much when my body hurts. But when I fractured my hip last year, I complained a whole lot. My broken hip kept me from being active in life. I felt completely helpless because I could no longer move freely or get around home without my family's assistance. After spending several months in pain, I saw an orthopedist for care. My orthopedist examined my fractured hip and found an infection in the joint. I underwent surgery to remove the damaged tissue and replace it with an artificial hip joint. Now, I feel so much better. My new hip gives me the freedom to move around again. If you have pain in one of your bones from injury or disease, read my blog. I show you how to find an orthopedist who can help you get back your life. Thanks for reading.